Don Quixote by Salvadore Dali

Fighting For and Defending Ideals

Neptune moves into Aries! For the next 14 years, the planet of universal love, imagination and ideals now flows through the sign of courage, action and aggression. Neptune in Aries challenges us to aspire to our best self, without completely deluding ourselves about what that is. As a bonus, Saturn is conjunct Neptune as they leap together into Aries.

compass and map

Mapping the Vast Unknown

It's always a bit strange to talk about Saturn and Neptune together in the same sentence. They are as different as chalk and cheese, oil and water, heaven and earth. Yet, they need to work together when they interact by aspect, for better or worse.

Fricka Approaches in Anger, Arthur Rackham

The Bitch Is Back!

Venus is the planet of peace, love, harmoney, pleasure. But when she goes retrograde, a more contrary side emerges through discontent, discord, imbalance. Venus retrograde hits the reset button, asking us to adjust relationships, material needs and equilibrium.

hat with wings

Alright... Who Stole My Brain??

Mercury is famous for his retrograde cycles when things get decidedly weird! Missed appointments, wrong numbers, computer glitches... Find out what's really happening when Mercury does his "Retrograde Rumba."

Astrology Reports

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